Possibly Possible?
This post caught your eye huh? Well good because it definitely should have. Love at first sight is a thing of Hollywood and never happens. Now before the arrows come flying from extremists that believe they "fell" in love with their bf, gf or whatever else, therefore anyone else can achieve the same thing; understand that I believe in "love at first sight", but I call it something different...
Constantly Remembering The Moment
Simply put, love at first sight originates from the moment that two people first meet. Think about it logically for just a second. In the movies love at first sight is described in a variety of ways, but all are rooted in one things: the boy and girl are unable to get the other out of their mind, no matter what they try to do. So what happens is this constant remembering of the person or the moment is what leads to repeated imagining, the person then associates the images to happiness, and happiness is the origin of love.
Now don't go saying, "Jason doesn't believe in love" or "love is all a mind game", because neither of those are true. I just believe that in life, certain people we fall deeper for because all the moments we are with them are memorable enough to cause us to constantly remember each one and this leads to our emotions molding to include this person in our life.
Now You Ask, So What?
Well you have to understand that you have control over your moment between you and someone you haven't met yet or are trying to be around more. It truly all comes from the inside of you and if prepared for appropriately, I promise that sooner then later, your moment will happen! I have compiled a simple list for my male readers because honestly they need the most help. Now girls, don't laugh because your turn will be coming soon on another post. But what I do want is for you to comment and let the boys know any pointers you have for them to be successful in the steps below, thanks!
OK Men, Take Notes
Here is a brief list in a few ways you can have your moment sooner then later:
- Practice
- Practice makes perfect guys, it's that simple. Now this doesn't mean you go to every girl you meet and expect that will be the moment, but you can practice the following steps. So yes, this step is just another reminder for you to do the things below and implement them into your daily life.
- Look Sharp
- Face it, looks do mean something in relationships and creating the moment. Looks should never be the base of your relationship (girls that goes for you too), but it sure helps!
- I've said it before and will say it again, take time in putting yourself together because bumming around in sweats and a hoodie only go so far. Women eventually want to see a man they can be proud of and would love to be arm candy to, so take time in preparing to go out...every....single...time. You never know if the next time you step outside your house, your moment could possibly happen.
- Last note. Ever had a moment you saw a girl and she was wearing a nicely fitted baby doll dress or a pair of perfectly curve hugging jeans? Exactly, I know you have. Well guess what, women have the same kind of memories. Be that guy they remember and look sharp.
- Stand Up Straight
- This one is so obvious, yet I see it missing in so many mens lives. Standing up straight is one of the easiest ways to show a woman two things: confidence and your physique.
- Confidence is the sexiest thing a man can possess. It tells the girl you that you are comfortable with who you are, and if this is true, it only opens the door for her to be herself around you in return. And when two people are truly themselves around one another is when love can begin to root itself deep within their hearts.
- Physique is crucial. Now physique doesn't necessarily have to mean your body is ripped and a gift to the female gender. It purely gives the girl a true vision of what you have to offer. This may be tough for some of you because you currently are not at the fitness you want to be, but if a girl sees your physique now and likes it, she will only like it more after you achieve all your physical goals.
- Vary Your Tone
- Ever talked to a robot talker, a mumbler, a whisperer, or anything else similar? Well if you have, you know that it sucks. It sucks during the whole conversation because while you are trying to pay attention to what they are saying, you can't stop thinking, "her voice is SOOO weird".
- Understand gentlemen that women want to listen to what you are saying and want to follow your conversation, but if you are talking with a robot voice or whispering they will lose that interest very fast.
- So practice talking clearly, using tone variation and also facial expressions. You don't only want them to know what you're saying, but to constantly remember it.
- Master The Pause
- This step is a simple reminder for you to let her talk and express herself during your interaction together. Nobody enjoys talking to a wall or someone so into themselves they feel like they don't exist. Make sure to involve her in your conversation and hopefully flirtations.
- It is during that slight moment of silence or brief moment where smiles are exchanged that memories become memorable. You can quote me on that.
- Look Her In The Eyes
- I once had a dog that every time I would come home he would perk his head up, run to me, then stare me right in the eyes. It didn't matter what mood I was in, every time I looked into his eyes they seemed to tell me the exact thing I needed to hear. Eyes are the pathway to the soul, they can express love, concern, doubt, happiness, sadness and thousands more...so why not have yours in this moment express how you feel about her and anything else that is good or positive.
The Gran Finale
The above are some great steps to start your journey off on making your moment happen, but there is one last thing you need to do. Physical Touch. You have given her something to visually remember (Look Sharp), another to audibly remember (Vary Your Tone) and now its time to give her something to physically remember (Physical Touch).
This doesn't have to be anything intense but also not so subtle its unmemorable. So find an opportune moment to graze her elbow, touch her shoulder, brush her hair out of her face or briefly hold her hand. I promise you, if you have done the above things correctly, a properly (not creeper status) handle physical touch moment will seal the deal!
Moments are great and hopefully yours will become one that she constantly remembers and cherishes. But remember that love is something that cannot be forced upon another. You can do everything in your power to make the moment all it should be, but it is up to her and the conditions to fall for you. Nothing in the battle to find love is guaranteed, so while you journey down your path from single to taken, just try your best and the more you practice...the sooner you truly will fall in love at first sight by providing a moment that is constantly remembered!
Lets all find someone and grow old with them, all from our individual moments.
way to go with the "moments" thing. it's so true that there's no such thing as "love at first sight", but that all of those memories you've created really do add up and help you realize how much you care about and want to be with somebody. i totally agree that guys should make a good impression though, so be sure to look and act your best to show a girl you're interested because she's totally worth it!